There is probalby no book that has disruptued the typical go to school, get a good education and go to work for a good company like Tims 4 Hour Work week. This book is on the shelf over every true entreprenuers I know.
We found the audio version online, so wanted to make it available for readers of online auction U. There is no guarantee how long it will be up, so if you have never read the book, or never heard the audio version take advantage of this opportunity now!
At the time of this writing it is August of 2020. You can see by the chart below the trend for 4 Hour Work Week is a rocket ship right now. It is almost like those who have been slaving away in the corporate structure for years are collectively realiing there must be a better way, and they are actively looking at the many options they have.
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9–5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich is a self-help book by Timothy Ferriss, an American writer, educational activist, and entrepreneur.
The book spent more than four years on The New York Times Best Seller List, has been translated into 40 languages and has sold more than 2.1 million copies worldwide.
It deals with what Ferriss refers to as “lifestyle design” and repudiates the traditional “deferred” life plan in which people work grueling hours and take few vacations for decades and save money in order to relax after retirement.
It is a message many of us have been trying to communicate for years, but when you have an ivy league educated person say what many of us low, level, redneck entreprenuers have been saying, people’s ears perk up and listen. Honestly I am just glad the world is waking up!
Tim Ferriss Background
Ferriss formulated the ideas present in The 4-Hour Workweek while working 14-hour days at his sports nutrition supplement company, BrainQUICKEN. Frustrated by the overwork and lack of free time, Ferriss took a 3-week sabbatical to Europe. During that time and continued travels throughout Europe, Asia, and South America, Ferriss developed a streamlined system of checking email once per day and outsourcing small daily tasks to virtual assistants. His personal escape from a workaholic lifestyle was the genesis of the book that many believe was the foundation for the nomad entreprenure movement.
The format of The 4-Hour Workweek took shape during a series of lectures Ferriss delivered on high-tech entrepreneurship at Princeton University, his alma mater. The lectures (and book) described Ferriss’ own experiences in company automation and lifestyle development. If you are an entreprenuer and this book in not on your list, you are probably not a real entreprenuer, just saying. There are many wanna-prenuers out there as we all know.
Personally I found Tim’s books Tribes of Mentors just as inspiring as The 4 Hour Works week and in my opinion more Inspiring. We talk alot about mentorship and the importance here at online auction u and have for years.
I believe it is a missing piece that some many hard charging entreprenurails or missing. It is my hope that like the 4 Hour Work Week woke up the masses to the possibilities that Tribe of Mentors will help people understand the necessity of findin the right mentors.